What can I say about today? Probably lots more than anyone with a life would want to read. Who on earth cares what I think? I guess I'll never know for sure but all I do know is that God always sends people to you that can benefit from your wisdom or experience. Whether indirectly or directly. They are there. If you don't see them, all you have to do is ask God to show you who they are.
I've had an incredible last few weeks. God recently spoke to me in an unlikely place and I just knew this idea did not come from me! He began to open my eyes to an incredible need in this world. A need to encourage, counsel and inspire people. People who can relate to me and my experiences. I was scared but knew that I had to do it. And it was only a few weeks after I decided to take that step of faith and be obedient to what God was leading me to do that He lead someone to me. And then more people! I was astounded! I won't bore you with the details but I've had some incredible experiences that I know are sent directly from the Lord.
I've always had a God-given passion for encouraging people and I feel like I'm finally able to put that passion to work! I knew that career assessment test at HSU my freshman year would come in handy someday! Even though I'm not a certified "counselor" or "psychologist", I feel like I'm able to do just what God wanted me to do without having to go to school for the rest of my life! I am amazed to be in a position to counsel, mentor, encourage and inspire others. What an incredible blessing and gift from the Lord! But with this gift comes incredible responsibility.
"...Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more." - Luke 12:48
I ask for your prayers as I continue in this journey the Lord has lead me on. Please pray that I would always seek and relay God's words and not my own and show His love and compassion to the people He brings into my life. I appreciate your prayers more than you know!